You can find adventure traveling the world: across seas, to neighboring states, or even down the street! 7th grader Mariah Scott, and 6th grader Easton Hipps really know how to enjoy their break with an adventure to different spots around the globe.
These two McAnally middle school students traveled during fall break to interesting destinations across the country. Each accompanied by their friends and family, they had tons of fun visiting sites in Alabama and Alaska.
“The ride was boring, my phone died halfway through.” Complained Mariah Scott
Mariah Scott and her family traveled to Fort Payne, Alabama over fall break to see her Aunt and Uncle. Scott’s ride there was extra long, leaving her to have barely any entertainment other than her phone, music or looking out the window.
“I would say the ride their felt longer than the ride back, it felt like a whole day” Said Scott
Although her ride was long, and she lost her entertainment halfway through, she managed to push through the 12 hour long ride to see her family.
“It had these really pretty mountains, and sunsets.” Scott said.
Scott had seen many different states on the way there, claiming that Tennessee was her favorite to drive through because of the pretty views she saw. Driving through the states is painfully long, but to get to a state where you can’t drive to is a new adventure.
“My favorite thing was the unlimited ice cream!” Easton Hipps said.
Over the course of the 3 day trip on the Norwegian Encore, Hipps was excited to share that the best part was the free, infinite icecream you could get from the garden cafe after breakfast.
“I have traveled to many places including Florida, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and most recently Alaska and Canada.” Hipps said
Having traveled many times he thought he knew what to expect. The different towns he visited helped him create an accurate picture of Alaska now, when he thought of it.
“We went into the mountains on a train ride in Skagway. The scenery was just incredible, I’ve never seen anything like it.” Hipps said.
The wonderful tourist spots such as The lumberjack show Hipps saw in Ketchikan, or the Music Fan Club Museum Scott saw in Fort Payne, help create the amazing imagery that comes to mind when they think about traveling again.
“The beautiful sites you can see really change your perspective of the world around you, and you should always explore to picture more.” Said Scott.