Phebe Miller
New things, anyone? This is the sixth graders second cycle of wearing IDs, something new to them. Students work while wearing their IDs daily. "It's new," sixth grader Caleb Lancaster said, "We're not used to it."
Sixth-grader Paisley Miller walked down the halls, ID badge flapping on her chest with each movement. It hadn’t been too long since the sixth-graders received the IDs, but it was new for them. A step up from elementary school.
The sixth-graders recently got their IDs, and opinions have a great variety. “I didn’t really think anything,” Miller said, “I just went with the flow,” IDs have never been used in elementary schools, so the idea is new as they enter middle school.
According to Miller, it’s not a bother. “I think it’s okay, I don’t mind,” Miller said. IDs also are useful for making sure you know somebody or are where you’re supposed to be. “(If) people aren’t where they’re supposed to be, they know who we are.”
To students, IDs are a new point of life. “(IDs are) positive, because it helps you be more responsible,” Miller said. Students are required to wear their IDs to school to help with the safety and security of our school.
IDs are a big part of school life. It’s new for most, but other grades, such as eighth and seventh, have been using it before. It’s a common sighting to see students with IDs on now. Without them, where would we be?