On your marks. Placing her foot behind the starting line, 8th grader XC runner, Avery Jeter takes a deep breath. Her first ever XC meet of the season, a 2 mile-long run held at Azle. "When I put my foot on the starting line that's when it hit me that this was my first meet of the season and I wanted to do great." Said 8th grader, Avery Jeter. "I needed to be confident in myself in order to do good."
The enthusiastic cheers filled the meet. All of the runners panting trying to catch their breath.
“I stop to catch my breath before I start to run again. If I had pushed harder, I think I would have gotten a better placing,” said Cross Country Runner, Avery Jeter.
Competing in this meet would be a little difficult; for Cross Country Runner, Avery Jeter.
Even though Jeter was nervous about her first XC meet of the season, she knew that running has always been some sort of relief to her and helped her nerves.
“ Running XC gets my mind off things and it makes me feel really good when I reach a certain mileage goal,” Jeter said.