New Creations. Angelica Arreguin was creating a toy for a kid with disabilities in design and modeling. She had been recently designing a toy that would be shapes that you can put through and match. "I believe there should be toys made for kids with disabilities".
Angelica was angry. Her first friend of two years has been leaving her out constantly. On a Sunday, Angelica woke up and saw her friend was leaving her out, her friend had a sleepover with her friend. Angelica texted her and asked why she was being left out, her friend told her she didn’t want to hang out because she wasn’t fun, she tried to understand but was upset.
Losing friends is common, but in Angelica Arreguin’s case is not as rare as you think.
“In elementary school, you’re closer than ever, then in middle school, you grow farther apart because there’s more restrictions,” Arreguin 7th grader said.
People grow and change in middle school, and kids’ brains are constantly changing. Not all of us will want to be friends, and we change sense of humor.
“Everybody joins together in sixth grade, and they grow apart from each other,” Maddison Bullion said.
Sixth grade for some people is a school by itself, it’s bigger and brings people together while some grow apart.
Like Angelica said, “Some friends you’ve known for years can change like that.” That’s why I think friends don’t stay forever and losing friends is common.