Hot, hot, hot new lunches

New lunch lines added, students view on them

Phebe Miller

More stories from Phebe Miller

More speed! Seventh-grade student Jacob Shawver moves through the lines without being passed by. “It’s so much quicker now,” Shawver said. The updated lines allow students such as Shawver to move through the lines without being cut in front of. (Photo courtesy by Phebe Miller)

        Many students began complaining about lunch lines. The lines to get one’s food was cramped and crowded with other students, making it complicated for the average student to even get through. The school luckily complied with these requests and made a choice (to many students’ delight) to add new lines that would allow a student to get their lunch quicker.

        “It was normally ten minutes before,” seventh grader Jacob Shawver said. As Shawver stated, students often waited for quite sometime before the new features were added. The new lines have allowed students to get their lunch and be seated within five minutes.  The new lines made getting your lunch less complicated and more efficient for the cafeteria workers, who now get through about 10 students in a minute.  They also added a salad bar, which helps speed up the process. “It’s a lot faster now,” seventh grader Pierce Miller said. Cafeteria lines before would have been a frustration to some; now is a simple task.

        With these new lines, students can expect the lunch process to be faster, and quicker, and it can allow students to eat lunch with much more extra time.