What is the best meal at Aledo Diner? There are a lot of opinions to take into consideration so what is the most popular meal?
The most popular according to Sixth grader Jeremy Koplek is the chicken strips.
Everyone in his friend group gets them every time they go there they get the chicken strips.
“They have amazing flavor and are super juicy and it is the perfect combination of salty and crunchy. They also take their quality control very seriously, so the strip is very consistently delicious and perfect,” Koplek said.
Sixth grader James Restrepo said the chicken Caesar salad with Diet Coke was his favorite.
“They have a very good taste profile respectively but then if you combine it [with the drink] then it would have an even better flavor. The Belgian waffles are also really good as well, the flavor is a mix of good ingredients and home made waffles made by your mom,” Restrepo said.
Lilly McGrath 6th grade said her favorite food to get there is the chicken fried chicken.
“It has a lot more in common with the chicken strips but it is bigger so it goes well with the chicken and waffles. It also has more of a unique aftertaste that the strips don’t have, so it has a stronger taste but has a larger portion size,” McGrath said.
So in conclusion any chicken from Aledo diner is good and you should choose it the next time you go whether you get it with waffles, in a salad, or by itself, it is a great option for a first time goer and will leave you satisfied and full.